Unit 1: Basic Java
Learning Objectives
Call System class methods to generate output to the console.
Create string literals.
Identify the most appropriate data type of category for a particular specification.
Declare variables of the correct types to represent primitive data.
Evaluate arithmetic expressions in a program code.
Evaluate what is stored in a variable as a result of an expression with an assignment statement.
Evaluate arithmetic expressions that use casting.
Explain the relationship between a class and an object.
Identify, using its signature, the correct constructor being called.
Create objects by calling constructors without parameters.
Create objects by calling constructors with parameters.
Call non-static void methods without parameters
Call non-static void methods with parameters.
Call non-static non-void methods with or without parameters.
Create String objects.
Call String methods.
Create Integer objects.
Call Integer methods.
Create Double objects.
Call Double methods.
Call static methods.
Evaluate expressions that use the Math class methods.