Unit 4: Data Structures
Learning Objectives
4.1 Array
Represent collections of related primitive or object reference data using one-dimensional (1D) array objects.
Traverse the elements in a 1D array.
Traverse the elements in a 1D array object using an enhanced for loop.
For algorithms in the context of a particular specification that requires the use of array traversals:
Identify standard algorithms.
Modify standard algorithms.
Develop an algorithm.
4.2 ArrayList
Represent collections of related object reference data using ArrayList objects.
For ArrayList objects:
Traverse using a for or while loop
Traverse using an enhanced for loop
For algorithms in the context of a particular specification that requires the use of ArrayList traversals:
Identify standard algorithms.
Modify standard algorithms.
Develop an algorithm.
Apply sequential/linear search algorithms to search for specific information in array or ArrayList objects.
Apply selection sort and insertion sort algorithms to sort the elements of array or ArrayList objects.
Compute statement execution counts and informal run-time comparison of sorting algorithms.
Apply recursive search algorithms to information in String, 1D array, or ArrayList objects.
Apply recursive algorithms to sort elements of array or ArrayList objects.
Explain the risks to privacy from collecting and storing personal data on computer systems.
4.3 2D Array
coming soon...