2.2 Iteration
Determine code that would be used to complete code segments.
Determine the result or output based on statement execution order in a code segment without method calls (other than output).
Write program code to satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements.
Determine if two or more code segments yield equivalent results.
Explain how the result of program code changes, given a change to the initial code.
Determine the result or output based on the statement execution order in a code segment containing method calls.
Explain how the result of program code changes, given a change to the initial code.
Determine the number of times a code segment will execute.
Essential Questions
How does iteration improve programs and reduce the amount of program code necessary to complete a task?
What situations would warrant the use of one type of loop over another?
What real-world processes do you follow that are recursive in nature?
2.2.1 Videos
Conceptual Videos
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Example Videos
while Loops - https://youtu.be/Ph5EgXS1QcE
2.2.2 Videos
Conceptual Videos
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Example Videos
for Loops - https://youtu.be/tkGqDZxZAHo